L10n Roast: Facebook App Russian locale

I am starting a series of articles about localization (l10n) and UX-writing with real-life examples. I’ll take an app or a website and show you where it could be better in terms of writing. I’ll start with Facebook for Android (version 09-2019) and it’s Russian locale. First, the good part. Generally speaking, the app has a very decent translation into Russian, considering the number of other supported languages (few dozens). Special thanks for the Language item in Settings: developers often force the app to use system language, but this is not always convenient. For example, the Russian Yandex.Maps persistently switch …

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Visa credit card in China for foreigners

If you live and work in China, you probably have a UnionPay debit card, with no name printed on it, and no overdraft available. It is usually used for a paycheck, and you probably have this card linked to your Alipay and WeChat. However, if you go abroad, UnionPay may not always be accepted. Same goes for foreign online services. Perhaps you asked a Chinese Bank about the Visa or Mastercard and were rejected. But don’t worry, you can actually get a Visa credit card, even without Chinese ID!

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Localization files: Medium to exchange languages

In a project that involves multiple languages, or implies that you might at some point go global, it is highly likely that you will be dealing with the problem of exchanging multi-language content within your team, or cross-teams, or with external vendors. It is important to understand how it has been done in a modern working environment, what mediums and instruments are used, and why it has overall importance. In this article, I will explain to you the basic requirements for the multi-language medium in modern production, show you some examples of such files, as well as some most basic …

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